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11 Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care 

Below, we explore 11 science-backed benefits of prenatal chiropractic care. 

  1. Relieves pain in the back, neck, hips, and joints
  2. Helps control nausea
  3. Promotes better sleep
  4. Improves posture
  5. Reduces the likelihood of injury
  6. Develops pelvic balance
  7. Eases delivery
  8. Encourages effective stretches
  9. Supports holistic pregnancy health
  10. Speeds recovery after labor
  11. Supports post-pregnancy transition

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful experiences of your life. However, the drastic changes that occur in your body can be painful and uncomfortable. Symptoms like back pain, leg pain, nausea, and swelling are very common in pregnant women, and many pharmaceutical treatments are not safe for your growing baby.  

Prenatal chiropractic care is an effective way to treat discomfort during pregnancy, and it is 100% non-pharmaceutical and non-invasive. But what many don’t know is that prenatal chiropractic has many more benefits for mother and child. 

That may be why so many healthcare professionals recommend prenatal chiropractic care to expecting mothers. And, studies have confirmed that chiropractic care is safe and effective during pregnancy.

11 Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care

Prenatal chiropractic care provides a number of benefits that affect women during and after their pregnancy.  

1. Relieves pain in the back, neck, hips, and joints

The most common reason for women to seek prenatal chiropractic care is for the “growing pains” associated with pregnancy. Your body undergoes some drastic musculoskeletal changes during this period, which can cause a great deal of tension and discomfort, especially in the back and hips.  

Prenatal chiropractic helps the body to readjust and realign for a healthy pregnancy. Your chiropractor can adjust your spine and manipulate your joints to better carry your weight, removing the root causes of pain and tension. According to studies, women who seek prenatal chiropractic care for pain often experience immediate relief after just one session and total relief after a few weeks of treatment.  

2. Helps control nausea

Morning sickness can make pregnancy miserable for weeks at a time, and it can prevent your baby from getting the nutrients it needs. 

Chiropractic care can reduce nausea by regulating your nervous system. Relieving tension in your spine can release pinched nerves, helping to regulate those pregnancy hormones that cause you to feel sick. 

Prenatal chiropractic care has a much higher success rate for relieving nausea than most pharmaceutical drugs. Studies found that chiropractic care successfully treated nausea and vomiting in over 92% of pregnant women, and about 70% experienced relief after just one treatment. 

3. Promotes better sleep

Sleep is critical for the health of your baby. It aids in healthy digestion and reduces stress, which is a cause of miscarriage and preterm birth. Unfortunately, about 80% of women experience insomnia during pregnancy.  

Chiropractic care is a well-known treatment for insomnia, and it doesn’t involve any dependency-forming drugs. 

A blend of chiropractic care and massage can reduce stress and regulate your body clock throughout your hormonal journey. Your chiropractor can also improve your sleep posture by teaching you healthy sleep positions for your body and your baby. 

In studies, over 90% of pregnant women were successfully treated for insomnia with manual therapies. 

4. Improves posture

Your muscles, joints, ligaments, and even your skeleton change shape when you become pregnant. This means you have to re-learn how to carry yourself and support your weight. Even women with great posture before pregnancy may have poor posture due to these changes, and this can affect their bodies in the long term. 

A prenatal chiropractic specialist can improve your posture by adjusting your spine and enabling your body to better support your baby bump. They can also teach you exercise, stretches, and techniques to promote healthy pregnancy posture and avoid discomfort.    

5. Reduces the likelihood of injury 

Big changes happen fast when you’re pregnant. This may be too much for your body to handle, leading to injury during pregnancy or delivery. 

Prenatal chiropractic supports your body’s journey through pregnancy, ensuring you’re ready for the changes happening to your muscles and ligaments. It keeps you flexible and well-balanced as you go about your day-to-day to prevent falls and muscle injury. 

It also helps position your hips for a smoother, injury-free delivery. 

6. Develops pelvic balance 

Pelvic balance is one of the most important aspects of your health during pregnancy. Not only does it position you for a healthy delivery, but a properly aligned pelvis provides your baby with the space it needs to develop in the womb. 

A chiropractor can realign your pelvis with relaxing, non-invasive treatments. This ensures that your baby has the space it news to grow and to move into the birthing position (head down and rear-facing) when the time comes. 

Your doctor will probably refer you to a chiropractor if you need treatment, but it’s a good idea to consult with a prenatal chiropractic specialist regardless. 

7. Eases delivery

Chiropractic care may significantly ease delivery and the duration of pain and stress associated with labor. 

Research has found that women who were treated with prenatal chiropractic care experienced 25% to 31% shorter labor times. This is likely thanks to a properly aligned pelvis—the most important factor for the opening of the birth canal. 

Chiropractic treatments also prepare the body for the hormonal changes that relax the pelvic muscles and ligaments to create the birth canal. And, healthy nervous function may give you greater control over contractions. 

8. Encourages effective stretches 

Stretching during pregnancy is a great way to help your muscles remain flexible as they adapt to your changing body. Studies have also found that stretching is more beneficial than walking in the second and third trimesters for supporting healthy blood pressure and preventing complications. 

Your chiropractor can share advice on effective stretches for each stage of pregnancy, empowering you to relieve tension and ease discomfort on your own. Massage therapy may also be used to reduce existing tension. 

9. Supports holistic pregnancy health 

Prenatal chiropractic comprises a series of treatments that care for your unique body throughout your pregnancy and into motherhood. It isn’t just a quick consultation and a spinal adjustment. 

Your chiropractor gets to know you and learns about your pregnancy. Then, they assist you during each stage depending on the support you need. That may include manual therapies, spinal decompression, massage, nutritional guidance, posture coaching, and more. 

These treatments were found to be about 80% effective at relieving a number of pregnancy-related issues, including nausea, pain, insomnia, hypersomnia, dizziness, and heartburn.   

When your chiropractor can quickly treat issues caused by the rapid changes to your body, you are more likely to stay healthy throughout your pregnancy. 

10. Speeds recovery after labor 

Chiropractic care prepares your body for childbirth. As a result, you’ll be more likely to recover and adjust to your body faster after delivery. 

Routine prenatal chiropractic treatments ensure your body is properly balanced before you give birth. It’s a bit like training for the hardest workout of your life. When you’ve done your stretches, improved your posture, and relieved muscle tension, you’ll feel much better after having your baby.  

11. Supports post-pregnancy transition 

Postpartum chiropractic care is an essential part of recovering after the most intense day of your life. Labor takes a major toll on the muscles, joints, and bones. A Chiropractor can help reposition your body to support healing and prepare you for motherhood. 

Joint asymmetry and pelvic pain are common after pregnancy, and this can make the first stages of motherhood difficult. Studies have suggested that chiropractic care can reduce postpartum risks and strengthen weakened spinal and abdominal muscles to help your body bounce back quickly. 

A blend of chiropractic and massage treatments is often used to treat a number of issues for new mothers, including fatigue, pain, stress, poor posture, and breastfeeding problems. Plus, it gives you the opportunity to enjoy a moment of peace for yourself. 

Before You Seek Care… 

Studies have found that over 70% of women would benefit from chiropractic care during pregnancy. But every pregnancy is different, so you should always consult a doctor before visiting a chiropractor. 

Once you’ve got the OK from your doctor, look for a chiropractor with a specialization in prenatal care. All chiropractors are trained to provide care to pregnant patients, but not all are specialized in prenatal massage therapies. If you’re concerned about choosing the right chiropractor for your prenatal care, ask your doctor for a referral. 

The Drs. of Chiropractic at Family Chiropractic are specialized in multiple prenatal treatments, including chiropractic, massage, corrective treatments, spinal decompression, nutritional guidance, and more. We have been a proud leader in prenatal chiropractic care in Redwood City for over 40 years. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding prenatal chiropractic care. 

Family Chiropractic: Experts in Prenatal Chiropractic Care for over 40 Years 

Every pregnancy is unique, and every woman’s body reacts differently to the joys and stresses of having a baby. Make sure your journey to motherhood is a healthy one for you and your baby with prenatal chiropractic care from Family Chiropractic. 

Dr. Piazza has specialized in prenatal chiropractic for more than 40 years, and our family has proudly served the mothers of Redwood City for over 30 of them. Our certified chiropractic and massage practitioners combine modern technology and decades of hands-on experience to bring you the most comprehensive prenatal care. 

We offer a range of prenatal and postpartum treatments, including chiropractic, massage, spinal decompression, posture coaching, nutritional guidance, and more. Visit Family Chiropractic today and let us build a prenatal care plan around your body and your budget. 

Contact Family Chiropractic now to learn more or schedule an appointment. Or, visit us on Main Street, Redwood City to say hello. We’re always happy to answer your questions. 



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